The First Post
I really like animals. I also really like learning. I like to dig into my preconceived notions to see what’s there, why it’s there, and how valid my assumptions and opinions are. I even have a personal life motto: “Strong opinions, lightly held”. After many years of working with animals I’ve found myself in a place where my own need to touch, interact, and share emotion can take a back seat to observing, learning, and appreciating. A perfect base from which to build my tarantula hobby.
Most people don’t like spiders. Maybe you’re in that category and only reading this because you’re related to me (hi mom). As you scroll, in horror, I want you to know it’s okay. Not everyone appreciates these creatures and I’m not naive enough to tell you that YOU have to or else you’re ‘lesser than’. It’s not true.
As I said, I like to dig around in my own beliefs. Why are tarantulas scary? Well first of all, I’m already at an advantage as I lack the seemingly instinctive spider phobia that most humans have. So I picked at the prejudice to see what it was made of. Eight legs? I’m not scared of crabs or octopuses. Fangs? I’m not scared of cats. (Okay, maybe a little.) Web? I’m not repulsed by silk worms or caterpillars. Is it the venom? Wait until I tell you what shrews, toads, octopuses (again!), and hedgehogs all have in common! Even that sneaky slow loris will use her venom against you if you’re not careful.
Maybe I just believed the main message. Spiders, in general, are scary and should be avoided: end of story. It’s a valid message. Some spiders can hurt people. My cave-lady ancestors learned to stay alive by deciding to just avoid them. While I take her prehistoric message under advisement, I’m also going to take advantage of my modern intellect and learn all I can about these misunderstood monsters. I do love an underdog.
Let’s see what happens as I continue to obsess about Tarantulas. Wish me luck!